The order is shipped directly from the warehouse in CN.
The shipping cost of products is calculated by the weight. It is showed on the checkout page.
Note: Deliveries are estimated to be within 7-14 days . However, the deliveries may take slightly longer in remote areas or face various uncontrollable delivery factors (i.e. logistics issues, weather, traffic conditions,national holidays, high volume season, etc).
The entire order process may look something like this
Order Processing (preparing for shipping): 2-3 business days
Once shipped from our fulfillment and on the way to the delivery carrier in your area: 3-7 days
Once received by the delivery carrier: 3-7 days or until delivered
**The above timeline assumes that a 21+ adult is present at time of delivery to show ID and sign for the delivery. Please use current phone numbers and delivery details as needed (gate codes, unit #s, mobile #s)
Taxes are not applicable on all orders.
Please note that shipping carriers may experience delays that are beyond our control. In such cases, we will do our best to provide updates but cannot be held responsible for these delays.
Thank you for choosing SMOK. If you have any questions or concerns regarding your shipment, please don't hesitate to contact us at